We took a home loan from Axis bank in 2010 since it was the only bank with no prepayment penalty at that time. We went through a DSA and despite this had to visit the branch 3 times before the loan was disbursed. Once the loan was disbursed we realized to our surprise that they did not have a customer care number for home loan we had to visit the branch for every single thing.
We recently realized we were paying 11.75% interest were the actual rate charged to new customers is 10.25 -10.5%. When we approached the bank( we had to go to the branch, since though AXIS bank woke up to a customer care a year back. Its very difficult to get through to them and get any thing done on phone). We were very categorically told since we were existing customers we would be given a rate of 11.25% if v paid a minimum processing charge of 10000.
Another shocker was that the rate would be based on initial loan sanctioned not on balance o/s as is the case with ICICI and other banks
We have taken two home loans in the past with ICICI and HDFC both were smooth and we never had to run from pillar to post. Further they were interested in retaining customers and would be fair with their terms. If you are considering home loans stay away from Axis unless you have the time and energy to run behind them for everything and dont mind being levied extra interest for being their existing customer.