I am a Central Govt. employee and my wife is an authorised agent of reputed LIC OF INDIA since July 2007 and doing good business. Last week, I went to open a SB a/c in the name of my wife into Axis Bank, 148, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi, Though I carried all the best possible proof for identity such as PAN Card, Voter ID Card, Valid Licence issued by IRDA for LIC of India YET TO MY UTTER SURPRISE, the Relationship Manager (Mr. Raunak) at the Branch told me that AXIS BANK DOES NOT VALIDATE VOTER ID CARD AS PROOF FOR RESIDENCE. Moreover, he also refused to validate the Xerox copy of Pass Book issued by Syndicate Bank which is a Nationalised Indian Bank. I really failed to understand as to how this Bank People who are not foreigner, can refused to accept Voter ID Card issued by Government of India as a proof of Identity or Residence.
Kindly take notice of it !
Jitender Chugh