Ive never had such a poor experience with Axis MF compared to any other MF Org.
Most of the times their Website or App doesnt work.
1st of All I wasnt able to put a redemption from their website.
As the Website is absolutely useless.
Somehow I managed to speak to their CCare, who without listening to my problem started suggesting
me how to do redemption via whatsapp. which is again a bunch of crap as you cannnot reedeem your units via whatsapp.
Somehow after multiple attempts I was able put a redemption through.
But now it is 3 weeks since then, the system is showing the redemption pending, and not a single rupee has entered my Account.
When I call and ask them for explanation, they give me another pile of garbage, that we will lookinto it.
and so on and so forth.
Im surprised how can an organisation with such a reputation function like that.