I meet to Mr Dxxxxx Last year for website and he promised a lot and taken 50% advanced and then show me a demo that was full of error report Flight unable to book same with hotel and same with bus and car and holiday.
when I ask support team and Dxxxxx [Director] they replied sir deposit soft cash it will start working, at that time they promised me many thing and promised sun and moon for me but when I deposit amount and saw the same things then I released they are making me fool then I again asked them why its not working second time the again they replied its minor Error we will solve within day till then deposit 30% more. I denied for more payment
then they start making excuses like we dint have money for employees we are in bad condition please pay rest amount.
I again paid 30% only because of employees salary but then again Dxxxxx take u turn and start asking for rest amount this time I ask for my website so after taking 80% of amount he start threatening me . we will shut down website blah blah
then lodge cash again him and still going on so I will not leave you this easily.
sugession to friend please do not go for such fake Company with 100% fake And 420 Director Dxxxxx thakur