I have been working with axissoftech For a short time.
first Few months was ok ok, so I continuew the company because of a gentelmen director(Gyanesh Kumar)
But what I see Mr. Gyanesh Kumar Resign In firsht half Of 2017 and that day was black day in Axis Softech, because the Another
Uneducated Unprofessional, Blunt, Lame pesonality(Dxxxxx) was the director in the company.
When Gyanesh Ji leave the company The total Strenth of company was 35 employee, But after Few month the total no of employee are 4, 5
(Who are Totaly Unprofessional, Fresher and you can say coward, Belongs to Small Town so thay are simple as being Limited KNowledge)
but employee not the problem the problem is Mr. Dxxxxx(unprofessional) always lie to client, they have very low technology
so in that technologies client never get 50 paisa business.
and the employee are not getting paid from last 6 month, if you will ask for salary he will make another excuse
Special Advise For Dxxxxx: Shut Down Such Company Which is making the industries Wrong perseption toward IT
and clear all employee dew amount you will naver be happy after maraud salary, a employee spend his time with your company he has some espectation
dont spoil anyones dream
Its batter to Refund the Money of All the Client and emloee nad ShutDown Company You Dont have skill to Run it.