Hey folks,
i have been watching AXN for a few years but not able to crack the nut on what do they mean by this Seasons in a few serials like Fear Factor, Celebrities Unlimited, etc... can I have some feedback on the same or any document giving the info on the same. you can reach me at palani_pulse@yahoo.co.in.
similarly if you have any info on the other channels which have such naming conventions and what they mean, why dont we share it up atleast for this pal over here ;) guys (or gals) isnt it becoming a toooooooooooooooooooooooo boring for me to write something just to fill up this box to get some info or to start up some contro or intro or conversation or thread or ................................
I really dont know what mroe to write as MOUTHSHUT has a minimum words agreement which sound something like the UPAs programme ;)