It definitely doesnt live up to the expectations of A-Class audience.K.V.Aanands first film, Kana kanden, showcased his expertise in filmmaking as a director.He, in his debut as a director, forayed in with gripping story and good screenplay.
Though Anand admitted to the press and media before its(Ayans) release that this venture is packed with all the ingredients necessary to make it a commercial hit, the quality of direction and storyline which is manifested in his dubut film is clearly missing. This film is sure to be commercial success with ingredients blended in right proportion to cater to the taste of tamil movie buffs.
This films overall quality is marred by the myriad of cliches and a hackneyed theme.However, this film continues to attract audience and got enough good reviews from film critics.The reasons are quite clear and simple.First, it has a promising hero with good looks and plentiful acting talent.Second, the racy screenplay which is just perfect for an action package.
Third, visual treat from exotic locales of africa captured beautifully by the cinematographer M.S.Prabhu. Finally, surreal stunts choreographed by Kanal kannan with the help of a hollwood stunt director.What else do we need? There must be something in an average film like this to distinguish itselt from good classics.This time it is the story itself that let this film down.The story and theme is a complete disaster.The theme itself is a cliche and reminds us of MGRs films.It also reminds us of many recent flicks like "Bheema" and hollywoods "The departed".The so called love that blossoms between Surya and Tamanna has no grounds at all and serves as a visual explanation for the word "infatuation".
Karunas role is ambiguous right from the beginning to the end and doesnt offer any explanation for it.Suryas onscreen mother plays a typical mother and nothing special about it. Suryas performance is remarkable in this film and takes the onus on himself to standout from other performances. Whether it is provoking laughter or romancing with Tamanna or fighting with unknown men in congo , he does it without pain.Prabhu on the other hand has done a neat job as always, but has much little screen space to deliver.
This is a typical commercial tamil film with nothing new or refreshing role for the lady lead, Tamanna.She serves a an eye candy for audiance and suryas onscreen lady love.Surprisingly, Akashdeep Segal who plays the villain had been given some brain and space in this film.Jegans role is well enacted and delivered.He could be a better replacement for Santhanam in the future as the latter is running out of fuel. Tehinically this film is above average and scores high in cinematography.Harris has given a couple of good melodies, but the re-recording is not convincing and good enough to grab the attention.
Sometimes you hear the tunes of the songs in the action and romantic scenes as well.K.V.Anand must have worked really hard to create some magic moments here and there, especially those scenes in the airport, which came to the rescue of the film from critics describing it a non-intelligent heroism.We have seen some of these stunts in some hollywood films.But Suryas effort to create an exact replica is highly commendable.Some action sequences are highly unrealistic and ask yourself why it is insinuated between good and plausible stunts.Nothing is unique about the dialogues. Finally, if you expect an interesting story, you will definitely repent for buying a ticket.Instead if u are expecting a timepass and a entertainment package with adequate humour, hit the theaters quickly because u are one among those millions who share the same ideology.