I don’t mind suspending my disbelief provided a movie isneat in its plot and screenplay. But, Ayan fails miserably in any of the givencriteria. The movie starts off with a chase scene in Africa, a location whichis rarely chosen for action sequence. I thought this is going to be the tamilversion of Blood Diamond which I would have been glad.
The story revolves around Surya and Jagan who help Prabhu tosmuggle diamond from Africa. In the mean time Tamanna( Jagan’s sister) andSurya falls in love at first sight. Kamalish isPrabhu’s arch rival and competes to over throw Prabhu to be number one inunderworld business. So, the story isabout how the villain tries to distract Surya’s mission in getting thediamonds.
Although, the action scenes are taken in beautiful localessuch as Africa and Malaysia, the chase scenes are lengthy and make us to yawnafter some time. The twist seems less intelligent and predictable.
Though Surya and Tamanna look ravishing, nothing much can besaid about their acting. While the former lacks versatility in his acting, thelatter is used as an accessory. Renuka who plays Surya’s mother irks us withher dominating voice(she hasn’t changed much from the tv serial, Premi). Jagan’s jokes are unintended and crack us up. The villain is the major sore point of themovie considering the amount of screen time he occupies.
Background music is so bad that one can’t ignore it, especially in the climax. Nice songs but poorly choreographed and appears atthe wrong time.
The scene involving the prostitution house, condom, and sanitarypad could have been avoided. Looks like those were deliberately included forsome cheap chuckles. One thing caught me by surprise is when Surya doesn’t safethe innocent girl but acts merely as a bystander taking photographs.
Any day, I would prefer a simple yet intelligent story like*Kana Kanden *than a movie with so many holes in its plot which uses good lookingactors, foreign locales, and reverse shot as its saving grace.