Okays...my take on Aayitha Ezhuthu...not that Im good in writing reviews...but just wanted to express my views...
Well...am not go into the details of the movie which most of ya must be knowing by now...well thanks to some people who happened to post the whole story in here without putting the spoiler alert tag:)
Hmm...Ill talk abt the charactersiations first...nope not the way show it is in the movie...wht I think of the characters...
Inba: Undoubtedly the most interesting character in the movie...a very violent, offensive character...it was more interesting to see a hero playin this role...Usually when heroes play negative roles...the role is highly glorified...well usually we have the same hero playing the gud guy in a doube action or else..the heros negative nature wud be justified by having a flash back..which leaves the audience sympathising him towards the end:)..Inba is interesting coz...hes bad coz he grew this way..we dun see a reason...& most importantly he wud be hated!!!
More so...coz he doesnt have a redemtion in the end...
Spl. Kudos to Mani for this characterisation :)
Sasi: Shes Inbas gal...the one he obsessively loves, violently beats...yet she loves him , adores him, trying to bring out the gudness in him(which only she cud see).Why ???Is she submissive in nature..not really.As mani himself quotes ...shes infact the strongest of the 3 women.Unfortunately she fails miserably in her attempt...coz Inba seems to be more comfortable in the wrong side of the law.
Michael: Here comes Mr.Michael...the idealististic main protaganist of the film.Unfortunately this character fails to impress me...coz of its unrealistic nature...& afterall idealistic heroes arent something new to Thamizh movies , are they?:) Yeah ...well I may be wrong when I say unrealistic...should I be sayin overboard??Well am not sure...but all sed & done hes our hero...the most important of the 3 lead protagonists.
Gitanjili: Better known as Gigi...shes Michaels childhood sweetheart, ....brattish, with a twinkle in her eyes always...a character which most college going gals might actually relate too..unfortunately thts all she is...nothing more.
Arjun: A bigtime flirt, yuppiee, a wanna be greencard holder.When Inba aims for Panam, Power& Padhavi& Michael a A cleansed society, Arjuns seems much more simple Gals & lotsa fun :).What most ppl are tday.
Mira: Well shes nothin more then the feminine version of Arjun, just that her US trip is much simple...sponsored by her prospective groom:)
Uh oh...seems like Ive taken the major portion for character sketches like Mani as well.
Well...of the technical crew....RKCs work is amazing...well I wudnt have believed tht Hey goodbye nanba song was actually shot in Kovalam beach if it wasnt mentioned earlier:) Amazing picturization for Indian stds.
Sreekar Prasads editing is very good..infact in brings out the diff. in each character effectively.
Music..needless to say ...the songs are all gud..but picturisation....may be I was expectin too much coz its a mani movie...well but Dol Dol was definitely somethin out of ordinary...I mean in terms of picturisation.
Climax stunt in the Napiers Bridge was indeed awesome..but who should I appreciate??? Vikram Dharma or the person incharge for Spl. effects???Anyways I do want say to somethin here, wish ppl learn from mani...spl effects are somethin which shud be used to enhance a scene...not juz to boast abt sayin ive used this technique...hope ppl learn...sigh!
Now for the performances.Yeah we have an extremely talented Surya, allow me to prove myself Madhavan & Ive juz stepped outta Boys sets Siddarth.My pick of the lot is definitely Madhavan...coz hes got the most complex role...& he happened to prove his acting prowess..silencing his critics.
The guy shud be given credit for the hard work hes done.Surya is indeed his usual amazing self...juz tht his character doesnt appeal much.His brushes with BR will be long remembered.Sid...well does wht required of him..pretty neatly.Of the gals, its Meera who stands out.Shes got the meatiest of the small roles theyve been given.Her Thamizh diction is worth a mention. Esha & Trisha..are adequate & look cute:)
BR is really a pleasant surprise & really really gud.Sriman is gud as well.
Sujathas dialogues are as usual gud..esp. those witty ones tht Sid speaks.
But what abt the movie....yeah like most of them say its definitely not Manis best...but it is Manis work indeed...far ahead of the movies we often get to see.The movie has its own flaws...(the most evident one being...it doesnt justify wht the trailors sed...its only Arjuns life which changes after the accident)...but then final product is gud enuf so tht one cud actually overlook the flaws.
The only problem with us is tht we have set high stds for a Mani film so we dun seem to come to term with it when this one happened to fall short of our expectations.But for all those ppl who are groaning in dismay....this is how Mani wanted the movie to be..& we shud take it the way hes taken...its his product..we have rights to comment on it..but then guess dun think we can actually say it shudnt have been this way, coz this is exactly he wanted it to be:).
All I wanna say is this...AE is good, might disappoint a few for the flaws they might find in it..but I wud rather watch a movie with few flaws rather than watching a flaw by itself as a movie:)
Thanx for reading:)