I am Mainratnam. Im experimenting!
Make a serious movie about today?s issue ? Politics & Youth
Innovate Indian story-telling to another level
Do it twice in two languages!!!
Handpicked cast and crew
Drive Inbha?fire Mike?drop Arjun
Madhavan?s appearance does leave an impact and as usual his part is played to body language perfection. Special kudos to him for his attempt to do an almost negative role at this stage of his career.
Meera Jasmine?s eyes do a better job than her voice modulation and dialogue timing. Her final burst to the TTR in the train is wonderful
Bharathiraaja is a funny politician !!
Drive Inbha?fire Mike?drop Arjun
Surya has abundant energy and looks good without mush!! His performance and voice is great in the sync-sound.
Ehsha Deol speaks good tamil. She can be used to lift big suitcases (empty obviously) from one house to the next.
Bharathiraaja is good as a villain!!
Drive Inbha?fire Mike?drop Arjun
Siddharth is vibrant and has developed much from boyz2man. He has given his best performance till date to his mentor.
Trisha looks gorgeous and is good in acting too. She manages to prove that she can be the next simran in both looks and performance.
No?.No comments about Bharathiraaja now.
Drive Inbha?fire Mike?drop Arjun
Only Sujatha could pullout such views about Indian map in his dialogues.
Only Sabu Cyril could show a single room as library, principal room, classroom and what not?
Only Ravi K Chandran could show Calcutta and make u believe that it is Chennai.
Only Rahman could play the notes of ?Dhola Dhola? in BGM as score of base strings of violin to depict the violent change in a Character.
Only VikramDharma could knockout such punches and kicks.
Only characters like guna, dilli etc can have small roles but make good impact.
Only my direction team can give decent yet moving romantic sequences in a serious movie.
Drive Inbha?fire Mike?drop Arjun
Madhavan is too loud sometimes
You?d know Meera Jasmine is ?acting? instead of performing naturally when her replies come shooting out without thinking.
In his second attempt in front of the camera, Bharatiraaja fails to scare the audience as a villain sometimes
I dunno why?but I want sarasu to love Inbha unconditionally even if he beats her up like a beast.
Drive Inbha?fire Mike?drop Arjun
Surya is perfect!
Esha has nothing to play much and so can say that she has underplayed it.
At times, audience see Bharathiraaja as himself and not as Selvanaayagam.
I dunno why?but I just want Esha just to hang around Surya and do nothing more than that. Same goes with Janagaraaj, his wife, Surya?s mom and his sisters.
Drive Inbha?fire Mike?drop Arjun
Siddharth seems to be confused like ?what am I supposed to do?? in some sequences with his choclate boy face.
Trisha?s final scene with Siddharth in his house though impressive seems to be a bit long.
I dunno why?.but I just want all the stories bout Trisha?s wedding?.printing press?sivakasi to be just narrated again and again.
Drive Inbha?fire Mike?drop Arjun
Selvanayagam says? ?aanni vera pudungina maram thaana saayum? and asks his hooligans to abduct Mike?s friends, but the strong root is Mike and not his friends Sujatha sir!!
I?ve done this before?this is just another another step from ?Alaypayuthey? where I started with an incident and inserted the cause as flashbacks in between the real time story.But this is 3 stories instead of one and unfortunately the ?incident? doesn?t leave any impact on the audience.
Ooops....There, I dint let the audience know that it was shalini who met with the accident till the end !!
Why is the ?nenjam ellaam? song sequence like that? Short and sour!
What made the narrations about Mike?s father character so obvious and boring?
Why concentrate much on the flashbacks while the sequences after the incident were more important?
Why tell so much of the story in the promotions itself that nothing is left to watch?
Why so much of the story was taken for granted by the screenplay by lots of assumptions that the audience decide that they are loopholes and logical mistakes?
Why was I carried away by just the concept of three characters and three stories so much that I was confused towards the end about the politics in the story?
I should have started out with a single objective not three!!!
Im not the Professor who judges Maniratnams experiment....but a loved-one who waits outside the lab expecting him to come out in flying colours and I like him even if he doesnt because he tries.
I love Ayutha Ezhuthu!