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I have been using this shampoo for the past couple of months and want to share my experience of using this shampoo based on my personal experience. This is a poor quality shampoo with minimum effect on hairfall. It was recommended to me by friend but I found it totally useless and was a total waste of money for me.
Though this shampoo has a few good things like
PLEASANT FRAGRANCE: It has a really pleasant smell which is really refreshing
But it has a number of bad qualities and minimum effectiveness
NO AFTER EFFECTS ON HAIRFALL OR DANDRUFF: It had no effect on hairfall and dandruff and infact these problems have increased since using this shampoo and I have stopped using this shampoo completely
POOR PACKING: It is packed in a really poor quality plastic bottle which makes it look like a cheap and bad shampoo at first look. packing should be improved
NOT EASY TO USE: It has poor usage criteria which makes it difficult to be used on daily basis. It can only be used occasionally
I would recommend everyone not to fall for this poor quality product. It will increase your hair problems like it increased mine.