The treatments offered by this centre are; Panchakarma - Five Fold Systemic Detoxification Treatments, Detoxification - Systemic and Organic Purification, Colon Cleansing - Purification of the Intestines and Colon, Rejuvenation - Relaxation and Rejuvenation Treatments and Therapies to boost Immunity, Relaxation - Sessions designed for mind - body relaxation, away from stress and anxiety, Therapeutics - Therapeutic Packages for treatment of all ailments, Medications - Herbal Medicines for cure of diseases, Beauty - Beauty enhancement treatment and therapies for skin and face.
And also offers Basti karma, Virchana karma, Vamana karma, Nasya karma, Rakta moksha karma, Pizzichil, Netra tarpana, Shirodharra, Localized bastis, Other treatments: Navarakizhi, Abhyanga, Elakizhi, Karnapoorana, Karnavasti Netravasti, Shirodhara, Kashaya seka, Udvartana, Shiroabhyanga, Sweda, Padaabhyanga, Patra panda-sweda, Greeva basti, Navarakizhi, Shiro basti, Talapodichil, Talam, Shiropichu, Hrid basti, Chakra basti, Janu basti, Sarvangadhara, Kati basti.