Now a days, in this busy and fast world we dont get time to care about our health, so many types of disease killing us day by day, and in these health problems the fruently increasing disease is related to our teeth.Teeth problem is not the problem of old age people only and its not also the sign of old age as was earlier we thought, if we see teeth problem is mainly attacking on child, youth people.Why? what is the reason behind it? .The reason is that we in modern society forgetten that true treatment of our health problem is given in "AYURVED" .Teeth problem reasoon is our toothbrush, and these toothpaste are that only are for earning money.Think can you brush at your teeth muscles with your brush? and teeth muscles is the root of teeth disease .So m giving some best Ayurvedic solution for teeth these are!) Use very soft brush only 2 days in a week, and change it every month.(2) Use your finger to brush your teeth and, mainly at muscles of teeth min 5 minutes .
(3) Brush your teeth with SALT AND MUSTUARD OILthis paste remove almost all teeth problem.(3) Brush your teeth with BAKING SODA AND LEMON Mix some drops of lemon with baking soda and apply on teeth it will make your teeth so white, that you will not beleive. and use patanjali and ayurvedic paste only.It will protect your teeth and will keep them so strong in your old age also.