The Much awaited Babul from BR films has 11 tracks in all.I listened to these from Aadesh Srivatsava always shows promise in one or two tracks and loses steam somewhere in the middle.This one is no exception.
The highlights of this album are the three tracks bawari Piya, Comeon comeon and Kehta Hai baabul.Sonu Nigam once again proves his brilliance here after a stunning rendition of janeman title track and has for sure left behind most other male playback singers.He will be definitely a front-runner in all the awards ceremonies for sure
My analysis of the 11 tracks of this album:
1.Baawri piya: A very nice classical based tune coming from Aadesh Srivastava.It has some great fusion beats and as usual Sonu Nigam has rendered it brilliant
2.Bebasi Dard Ka Aalam : A soulful number but I bet it cant hold your attention for long.There is no denying that Kunal has a touching voice but the style of singing resonates like all those N number of songs he has sung.
Seriously Kunal needs to experiment and try modulating his voice differently.
3.Bidaai Song :We get to hear the rich voice of Richa sharma after a long time probably.she was at her brilliant best in the Baghbaan title track and in this one she effuses raw pain.The only sad thing is that the song is of very short duration.
4.Come On Come On : This one is THE BEST song of the album. though I personally dont like Amitabh singing in movies coz he sings rather pathetically (sorry to all amitabh fans-if I have made a blasphemous statement ).He does 100% justice in singing this song
and ofcourse Sonu is out of this world!!!! The two of them bring about youthfulness to the song.The camaraderie between father-son duo can be felt hearing this song.This one has got me hooked from a fortnight and I am not tiring listening to this one.
5 & 6 .come on Come on (remix) and Har Manzar(Remix):I steered cleared of these two as I am of the firm opinion that the original always scores over the remix.You guys can check them out if you want to.
7& 8.Gaa Re Mann, Har Manzar :are passable fare and you can give a miss.very mediocre tracks !!!
9.Keh Raha Hai : Hummable tune and good effort by shreya and sonu.This one is being aired on all music channels now
10.Kehta Hai Baabul : The haunting voice of Jagjit singh has been used for the title song and the number is soul-stirring and probably sums up the theme of Babul.This has more of Jagjit singh trademark .sounds straight out of one of jagjit singhs album
11.Vaada Raha : A sad version of Keh Raha hai rendered adequately by Sonu Nigam.
Overall a good effort by the Baabul team and worth buying