The first creedit goes to the director.If theere is no rajamouli there will be no baahubali. He is th emain reason for the big success of the movie.the movie is excellent.The movi taken the standards of indian cinam to international level.The best part of the movie is the climax fight sequence.Everyona should appreciate for the vfx and cg done for the movie.It helped a lot and comming to actress the done their best for their roles. Ramayakrishna has done a good kattapa role sathyaraj done an excellent job. We cannot imagine another actor instead of prabhas in baahubali role and similarly rana charecter.
They done their good job in their roles.We have to apprecite not only the director, producerand actors we also should appriciate the techniacian team and also the workers who worked for the movie.They are these are the main reason for bahhubali to be a good success.i am eagerly waiting to watch the next part of the movie and also I also I need to know the reason behind " why katappa killed baahbali".