Seriously this serial is really very very boring. I dont know why this serial is still going on. Fisrt of all the concept of the serial is only boring. Baal veer is an ordinary boy who is given magical powers and without this power he is next to nothing. The other characters from the good side i.e. the Paris are also next to boring. Their acting, their way of speaking, their perfomance too boring. Including the rani pari all paris seem to like that they are nothing to rani pari. If rani pari will not be there then I dont think that they will be able to do anything.
Now if talk about the devil side, dont know why but one pari dies another comes, then she dies, then again another comes and this continous. However strong and tough they are and however weak the rani pari and all may be but it is always assumed that they will win only. The assisstant of the Devil pari, his character is little funny otherwise full serial is boring. Dont know how this damn boring serial is popular among small kids. I just hate this serial. This serial is not at all for a channel like SAB TV. Instead its decreasing the reputation of the channel. SAB TV is for comedy and funny serials and not for a stupid serial like this where a hero comes, save people from evil and become popular. And thus I seriously dont recommend this serial to anyone because its just a waste of time and nothing else. Instead go and watch TMKOC which really gives good message to the society.