*From the Wikipedia
Babel (hebrew - Bavel) is the name used in the Hebrew Bible for the city of Babylon (Akkadian **Babilu), notable in Chapter Genesis in the BIBLE as the supposed location of the Tower of Babel.
In Gen. 11:9, the name of Babel is etymologized by association with the Hebrew verb balal, "to confuse or confound". The name bab-ilu in Akkadian means "gate of god". The word "bab-el" can also be seen to mean "gate of god"(from bab "gate"+ el "god").
According to Genesis 11:1-9, mankind, after the deluge, traveled from the mountain where the ark had rested, and settled ina plain in the land of Shinar(or Senaar). Here, they attempted to build a city and a tower whose top might reach unto Heaven, the Tower of Babel.
*The attempt to build the Tower of Babel had angered God who, in his anger, made each person involved speak a different language which ultimately halted the project and scattered and disconnected the people across the planet.
*The above description from the Wikipedia says it all about the movie - BABEL.
An apt title for the movie; story contrived and adapted to the theme so well, that it is a movie worth every penny. It is truly a movie buffs film. Alejandro is a great story-teller in this medium of film. His creativity and form of visuals is of great intensity that it touches the core of ones heart.
Please see the film on the big screen.