I am surprised that here, ppl have written about top 5 songs of almost every singer but not even a single one for babul.I think this is total injustice to his melodious singing.i believe the reason being that he has sung only 104 songs. So I decided to write about my fav 5 songs sung by him.
5 Akhiyon ne raat kya jadoo kia from MUJHE KUCH KEHNA HAI.He sings it with preeti of preeti&pinki.But hes the star of the song.Though the lyrics are a bit stupid.lol!
4.HUmTum Title song.Best romantic rain song ever.How can one forget this particular song.Sungg with alka this song is nothing but utterly romantic.Bold lyrics in between are less noticed due to the innocence of the melody.(my opinion).
- Hai re from KuCH TO HAI.He sang it very nicely.The sweet melody is just melodiously sweet.And his voice is perfect.
2.Aaate Aate from Chori chori.
1.Khoya Khoya Chaand from his debut album(i guess)...Great passion in his voice.And Diya looks beautiful in the video.
Thats about it.I had a few others in mind.But they slipped now.I vAlue ur valuable comments.