Massing babies is a cruel part and is very important too. Massing through massage oil helps babies to strengthen immune system, improves weight, helps to sleep better, improves motor development and also helps to keep babies happy among many other things which is the most necessary. This baby dove rich moisture baby massage oil is enriched with vitamin E which is pleasure to use. This is 1) Light weighted
2) Non greasy
3) Fast absorbing formulae
It really nourishing and moisturizes skin through and through. Absorbs quickly to keep baby skin feeling soft and moisturized all day long. It keeps the babies skin supple and soft. It has a very mild fragrance. The fragrance is developed for delicate baby skin and its absolute safe because it's 100% dermatologist and other various clinically tested product. Easily available online as well as offline. This is handy, travel friendly, user friendly product. Online at Nykaa it would be easily available at Rs 109 for 100ml of product. Thus it is super affordable. The pakaging is quite transparent, simple and cute. Yes I do recommend you guys to give it a try.