Well, breezer is ..more of a white lie.
the labels talk of alcohol, but its more close to nimbu pani.
just refreshin, nuthin more than tht! but definitely a good choice during parties, or while drinking out esp for gurls !
its very subtle definitely. its fizzy n breezy, n makes some people laugh a bit longer than usual!!! its wut the gurls take, coz they dont wanna have hard drinks. its got the looks, tht makes it safe for gurls, its got a taste tht reconfirms it!!!
its got no punch, just a fizzy after feeling n a sour after taste. more like mixed up emotions tht leave u aimless n clueless..
i prefer the orange flavour, because am more familiar wid the taste. the bottles damn goodlookin, but I belive it costs wayyyy too much...esp when it doesnt offer much...i prefer beer tho...at least its got the punch, tho too much of it can make u puke!
too much of nuthin is good, too much of breezer can very well get u drunk too!