With a title tellin you loud n clear.....AVOID......U shouldnt even be bothering to find out more about the movie....
An excellent plot.....very well excuted by the Hollywood director but as usual.....totally LOST in translation!!! What do they say??? Nakal ke liye bhi akal ki zaroorat hoti hai...... But brains wasnt the only thing lacking in the movie.....the cast, the songs, the choreography......all left a lot to be desired.
All in all a waste of time and money.
Simple story.....2 con artists.....aunt n niece try to ensnare stupid rich men by their viles.....one marries the guy, other sleeps with him.....divorce...money....end of the game.
If Rekha could put her foot down on not being Mallikas mom but her aunt instead....y couldnt she put her foot down and no do the movie....!!!
And as for Ms. Sherawat.....I guess one doesnt watch her movie for the plot...so.....
Y did I watch it? well......seriously...I had nothing else to do n am a movie-holic. I watch all movies......no matter how bad or what the cast..... I know....I need to get a life!!!!