Well I know many people would not agree with me but I am just writing what I felt after watching this film. I thought this was a very realistic film bcoz whatever is shown in this film do happens in real life a lot and not just to girls but also to many boys also.
I think many people will relate to this film personally like I did. I really like siddharth anand films bcoz he always show reality in his films and that is commendable.well I willnot write the whole story here but I liked the story and more than that I liked the way the story was presented in a very colourful and entertaining way but keeping its realism intact.
The direction by siddharth could have been better but still it was good. the screenplay was excellent in first half but it got a bit dull in second half. The music was nice especially the song khuda jaane . It is picturised beautifully and performed nicely by ranbir and deepika. Both looked stunning and their chemistry looked perfect in that song. The cinematography was excellent and the beautiful locatins of switzerland, australia, italy and india has been shot beautifully.
The choreography by ahmed khan was ok. Editing was up to the mark. but the real hero of the film was its perfact cast. The performances by all the actors were superb. Minnisha looks beautiful and she plays her part with supreme confidence and she acts brilliantly. Deepika looks gorgeous and she acts well too but bcoz of her improperly written role she was not able to create magic on screen but she performs brilliantly.
Ranbir looks and acts extremely believable and I think he is going to become the next big sensation in bollywood. He rocks in the film. but the real hero of the film was undoubtedly BIPASHA.She looks extremely hot and sexy in the film. She moved my heart with her acting.she has evolved as a brilliant actress with time. SHE deserves an award for this film. So go and watch this film if u believe in watching realistic and at the same time entertaing film. I am not saying that this film was superb but it was a good attempt to entertain and also to teach us the importance of lovE, relationships and most important the importance of women and that we should always respect a woman