Bad Santa 2 looks to follow the same formula as the original: Sad con man Willie ( Billy Bob Thornton) and his sidekick ( Tony Cox) impersonate Santa and an elf to carry out a Christmas Eve robbery. But this time, they have their sights set on a charity, rather than a department store. ( Yeah, theyre that awful.) Thurman ( Brett Kelly) , the awkward kid that Willie took under his wing in the first movie, returns as a still-awkward adult who wants to be part of the con, and Willies mom ( Kathy Bates) makes an appearance, too. Those who enjoyed Bad Santas dark, raunchy humor will likely want to see this one as well, but the seque looks even more over the top than the first: You can expect plenty of profanity, nudity, comic violence, drunken antics, offensive language, and criminal behavior.