I was viewing some of the recent reviews and decided to update mine.but lo behold I did not have to change a word as the serial continues to plod on as predicted by the Nostradamus in me. So those who have already read my review, dont bother to re-read it. Others are welcome to enjoy and leave your comments.
A promising start, an experienced star cast, then the familiar downhill slide into sub-plots, skeletons in every cup-board, ghosts from the past, conniving step-relatives in all shapes and sizes, painfully co-promoting films(viz. Dirty picture), etc. sums up mylimited experience of this mega-hit serial. The worry now is how long will this serial drag on before the producers realize that their chewing gum is losing flavor and the jaw is starting to mildly ache. Showing a relationship build up against adversaries is a very motivating theme, but when the adversaries are extra-ordinary and unbelievable, the plot gets lost. The serial is doing well simply on the strength of its lead characters - Ram and Priya. The others in the crowd merely add the extra minutes to the serial.
Watch if you have time hanging heavily in your hands and sleep eludes you. The slow pace will definitely help put you into deep slumber! Ones marital life tends to vacillate with the highs and lows in serials such as these, so watch out folks!