Another Flop given by yashraj Films; Normally I am a Movie buff and usually watch all the movies, and when it comes to Yashraj I eagerly wait for those but now I ll have to think twice as the past few movies have not come upto the expectations,
Badmaash Company give you the feeling that its a hurried job or the debutante writer-director, in a bid to start his first film, had left blanks incomplete. There were few scenes where detail was required which were left on the assumptions of the viewers.. Chemistry between Shahid & Anushka Could have been better..The friendship which was shown in the movie should have been given focus by adding few flashbacks of Childhood & teenagers.
Somehow when you will watch gives a feeling that there is something missing in the movie..Atleast now I would really request Aditya or Yashji to please Direct a good movie and take all this Directors lot as your Assistance so that they can really learn how to make a good movies or either you start taking interest in your Production house business.