On my birthday that is on 8th may 2o10 I saw brand new movie from Yashraj Studios stable "Badmaash Company". When I went to the theatre, I was skeptical about watching this movie, but thanks to the genius marketing minds of Big Cinema at that time that was the only movie which will be starting in next hour. I had seen the ratings the movie received from various critics and it wasnt very impressive. I went inside with an open mind.The movie started with a brief narration of the situation which was there back in 1994 with closed economy, not liberated, high taxes, huge duties, basically the swadeshi kind of environment which was screwing up the country. The characters were sent to Bangkok by a trader who wanted to import videshi maal and he couldnt get it through legal channels since there was restriction on the amount of currency that can be brought to the country and extremely stringent custom laws for import.
That is where the 4 and mainly Shahid Kapoors character got their first taste of Big bucks. He was another confused guy about what to do after graduation. His father wanted him to do MBA and he wanted to earn money. He sensed an opportunity where he could exploit the 120% import duty on a famous shoe brand. So he smartly imports all right shoe in one consignment and all left shoes in another consignment. Both the consignment are shipped to different ports. He then refuses to take the delivery and then buys them back for dirt cheap rate at custom auctions. Now the total price of shoes is far less than the cost if he had to pay the customs duty and he has got custom approved pair of shoes. Pretty neat. He does a few more transactions like these and then there comes the news that economy has opened up and to phase out the customs duty the govt has reduced the import duty to 20% and their goes their smart idea, well behind. They think and dabble in few other business and then think of moving to US to Shahids uncle who is a big shot in US. And here is where they start playing the real conmen and start abusing banks and lands.
In the mean while love blooms between Shahid and Anoushka Sharmas Character. Once they come to US and make money the money goes to their head and theres this irritating dialogue which Shahis repeatedly says" I am God" owing to his money made powerful status. Things go wrong and this is where the movie loses the plot and you start wishing the movie ends. The friendship between the 4 friends break and Shahid Kapoor goes bankrupt and is facing criminal charges in US courts. And just when you think this is going to be another lame ending the story takes a certain speed to finish and then it becomes really interesting. Shahid Kapoor is good as confused/rebel guy and lives the character to pretty good terms. The indian idol start Zing is good but is not able to do justice to his character of booze loving guy. Anoushka Sharma is really hot and she seems to have lost oodles of weight and is pretty bold about the way she has dressed and acted. The 4th one Vir Das is good and seems to be the only one to do justice to his running after chics image. Overall an OK film to watch. You wont regret spending money on it.
Parmeet Sethis direction is better than expected. Songs are strictly OK. I dont remember a single song 2 days after watching the movie.