Star Cast- Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt, Gauahar Khan, Akanksha Singh, Kanupriya Pandit, Shweta Basu Prasad and some other average known people.
Good-Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatts Romance cum Comedy with a strong message.
Bad-Portrayal of Stalking and Harassment once again like wooing a hesitant girl.
Script-Badrinath( Varun Dhawan) depicting the mood of Indian Society for a boy.Like Boy id asset to the family and Girl is just like liability for most of the Indians.This scenario is changing allthough in UP and Rajasthan and other part of the Country, this is the common mentality between people.
Badrinath went to kill Alia for some reason and Vadehi( Alia Bhatt) impacts in chaging the lifestyle of Badrinath to make him a good human being.Whether Badri Changes or not or Alia was able to change him for that you have to watch the movie.
Star Performance-Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt are Raj and Simran of todays era.When you will enter in the cinema hall you will find immense love for Varun-Alia from teenagers in the form of shouting, hooting, whisteling.
Varun done a fairly good job as Badrinath.His spontaneous comedy skills will impress you while his emotional skills will try to impress you strongly.Alia Bhatts Beauty cum acting skills are very good.Her chemistry with Varun is too cute and good.
Somdev( Sahil Vaid) done a fairly good job as Badris best friend.Yash Sinha and Shweta Basu Prasad played as Badris Brother and Sister-in-law fairly good.
Music- Aashiq Surrender Hua and Tamma Tamma are high on energy and will keep you entertained.
Background score is fairly good enough and in pace with the movie.There is lot of Singapore tourism in the second half.
Final Words- Varun-Alia Romance-Comedy is good enough and will keep you entertaining with a strong message inside.You can go and watch it for one time.You will not be bored.