This book was. incredible. I have run into quite a few people who have said that they cant remember it, and I really hope I can say that some day. This story wrapped itself so tightly around my mind; I cant get it out of me. I keep thinking about what they SHOULD have done, over what they did. I used to live in a town like TR-90, and I couldnt help but wonder.
Probably not as mystic, no, but there was some history in the town I didnt understand as a 4 year old. Ive read quite a few other novels from this man, some of the more famous like Pet Semetery, The Shining, IT, and the like. However. none of those books stuck with me the same way this one has. They were just as well written, as expected, but this one just. it wont leave me alone. In my classes, this book comes up in my head about how it could have been handled better. I was upset when Mattie(actually Mary) died.
And such a gruesome death as well! I keep trying to look for her faults but. its hard to do! Also, Ive been wondering how to pronounce Kyras name. Ive heard it pronounced ki-ruh and kee-ruh! Hopefully the movie they are working on comes out soon, I need to know! Also, why didnt you let him adopt her?