I went to this place as a trip from my college college 2 months back, on the that day night we went to this beach in the night at around 10pm. This is most crowded place I have seen in goa. The beach is very vast. There are restaurants, shops, bubs, and many more. The best part is the place will be opened till 4am in the morning. The beach is quite clean and the price in the restaurant is quite costly but worth of eating on the beach enjoying the ocean. There is is a place called TITOS street which is very much famous in baga beach. It is full of babes and foreigners.and many bubs are there in this strret. If you visit goa then pay a visit to this place in night so that you can enjoy the beauty of goa.
The people in goa are actually too rough and a small mistake of yours or theres in which you involve will get you in big trouble. They dont care about police so be careful over there.