I am Akhilesh kumar shrivastva, from Visakhapatnam. On 19 Sept 12, I received a call from bagittoday. One Mr. Amit trivedi from bagittoday called me and told me that I have been selected among five for best offer. In this offer, I will get Three diamond of Rs. 30000.00 MRP, One couple wrist watch of Rocio company, One home theater and One DVD player. If I dont want diamond after getting parcel, then I can return it and bagittoday will give me Rs. 30, 000.00 back. But for getting this offer, I have to spend Rs. 15499/- for purchasing three diamond set, one home theatre with DVD player and one wrist watch for couple.
The diamond will be resale at the price of Rs. 30, 000.00 at the time of delivery if I do not want to keep it. The delivery boy will come along with the form for resaling the diamond.They also told me that Bagittoday have connection with reputed merchant in every city. These merchant will give the money on MRP while resaling the diamond.If I want then Rs. 15499/- will convert in EMI within 72 hours.After placing order, one varification call will come. At the time of verification call, I have to say YES otherwise some tax will be cut from Rs. 30, 000.00.
Within 72 hours, I can cancel my order and money will be refunded back with interest. Then I placed the order and varification call come. I did the same thing what was told by Mr. Amit Trivedi. Then after placing order I got call from Mr. Amit Trivedi of bagittoday and he told me the followings after placing order:- (1) I have been selected for Rs. 20, 000, 00.00 cash prise where at least Five to Ten lakh is guaranteed. For that I have to Pay Rs. 49, 000.00.
(2) He (Mr. Amit trivedi) will send me extra LAB certificates for the diamonds if I have without testing or verifying.
(3) If I will not pay Rs. 49, 000.00 than bagittoday will not be responsible for re- seliing of these three diamond and also Rs. 20, 00, 000.00 offer. Then I got doubt that I might got trapped by bagittoday. Bagittoday employee cheated me. Then I make call to Bagittoday customtakeouter care and wanted to cancel my order and want to refunded my amount back but they denied.They told me that once order had beeh placed, money they got then they cant cancel the order. I told them that within 20 minute, I am cancelling my order and why I am cancelling my order, I also told them but they refused to refund my money back. So many email I send them but no response. Finally they send me items after one month. Duplicate diamond they send, also DVD player and home theater of poor quality.
They simple eated my amount. I become fool because its a INDIATODAY group concern company. Now I come to big names also doing cheating and fraud. I am urging every body, Please do not take any item from bagittoday. Other wise you will also become fool like me and your money will go in ditch. I wanted to go to cosumer court and I want that with me other people who got cheated by Bagittoday, come along with me. My email id is akhi177@yahoo.co.in and phone no. is 9440043180. Please call me and we will all file the case against bagittoday for their cheating.