Beware of Bagittoday.They are fraud, cheaters, scammers.
I got a call from They told me I got selected for a lucky prize of Diamonds.
After 7 days, Ill receive the product as well as the money will also be given back to me.
I can sell the diamond to any sellers, those merchant information will also be provided by them if I cant find out.
If we have any problems with payment, they are directly connecting the call to the bank which where we have account in few min.(Very fast than calling from my mobile to the bank).
The fellow who represents the bank is not even able to pronounce the bank name correctly. He asks me to share my Credit card number and CCV no.
They told Call will be recorded, so they are saying the cash back is also true only.
but they cheated me nothing was true.
Take action quickly so that others wont make any mistake.