My uncle had brought a Swift in Jun 09. I was one person who helped him out selecting the car and the dealer too. I suggested him go for a 3rd party insurances as I believed accident is always an unfortunate incident (which is a low probability) and these insurance companies rules are such that they only pay for the most unprobable cases of these low probability accidents. That is how insurance companies survive!! Just imagine will they survive with profits and paying all the expenses for those hi-fi offices and air-conditions?? inspite of paying every accident case??They r looters!!
But the car dealer was not letting the car go for 3rd party insurance which is given only by govt companies like United assurance and national insurance. This was because he wont get a commission on those insurances. Apart from that he misguided my uncle that complete insurance is compulsory on new vehicles. finally my uncle had taken up the policy from Bajaj Allianze. My uncle realized that this car was difficult to park in his small garage and wanted to sell this vehicle in just a week. I agreed to buy and brought the vehicle and transferred the registration document onto my name. I was under the process of getting the insurance policy changed over to my name.
On a traffic post stop my vehicle was hit by a rash driving bus from behind. When I went for the claim, the company rejected the claim and said the company is very sorry to pay the claim as the car is registered on my name and the insurance policy is still on my uncles name. I requested the company to pay my the money to my uncle. that was also refused. Is it not understood that the insurance is for the car and not me or the previous owner?? what is to do with the name of the policy holder?? the car is insured and not the owner or policy holder. so what ever happens to car should be taken care of. this was not accepted and claim rejected.
When I was running around the companies office, I met so many people whos claims very rejected for silly reasons.This shows the way these private insurance companies want to get out of paying claims showing up silly reasons.
They just want to make money. Thats it!! all their rules are made for them to make money!! they dont encourage 3rd party polices as they have less income and need to pay for many cases.
SO never believe a insurance company is rule one and never go for private insurance if you have to buy a policy. May be govt companies have bad offices and slower working culture, least they are made for the public.The dedication and efforts they(private companies) put in trapping customers to pay for policies is not shown in helping them during bad times.