I have taken one Family Care First Mediclaim Policy of bajaj Allianz. I got my wife operated for major Intestinal Surgery at Sir ganag Ram Hospital, New Delhi in Jan 2010 and I have applied for the Reimbursement for the Expenses. My claim No. is 03104021. Now the TPA Medicare of the company is harassing me by sending letters asking for the Original Recipt of Rs. 10, 000/- from Jaipur Golden Hospital which I had already submitted in Original File. But still I went to the Hospital and requested them to issue me the Receipt.
The Hospital issued me the Duplicate Receipt of Rs. 10, 000/- with Seal and Signature of the Authorized Officer which I have submitted to Medicare Office in Patel Nagar, New Delhi But they are rejecting this Receipt and closing my claim.
Just I want to ask if the original receipt got misplaced and even after submitting the Receipt properly signed and stamped by Hospital, why they are not accepting this and this clearly indicates the dishonesty on their part for not doing the payment of my Claim.
Please suggest me what to do on my email ID rajeevarya@nirmalmedical.com
Rajeev Arya.