Pls dont go with Bajaj Allianz because the returns was very less against your investments due to their poor fund management system and also they have taken you money by lot of hidden way.
*Main message:
This is to inform you that in India we have 16 insurance companies and all are attracted their own way of marketing strategy. I was invested in Bajaj Allianz, ICICI prudential, ING Vysiya and SBI Life. When the time of investment I was much attracted by Bajaj , ICICI and ING except SBI Life. Because since it was formed from the SBIs fund, the operational marketing team was not much attracted compared to other three. But you know whats the fact was SBI Life is giving more return compared to all the other three. I was chose med risk growth fund in all investments. But my surprise was SBI Life performance is the best( I can say) followed by ICICI.
Then finally I decided to know the exact fact behind this investment growth. Pls read carefully and note all the points for your future investment plans.
This is the only one PVT insurance company got the "AAA" rating in India.
Their fund management system is the best management system and strong one.
Their fund NAV growth shows the highest growth in market( ref. Outlook March 2007 results)
4.Transperacy in their dealings.
5.Strictly they are following the IRDA(Insurance Regulatory Development Authority) rules.
6.The ulip (UNIT LINK II ) you can say a magic policy.
7.Compared to all other companies their transaction charges are very less.
Final Message:
Beware of ULIP mis selling by all pvt companies, even LIC done that and it was already under IRDA Scanner and they now stopped it.
IRDA banned sale of Complex unit linked products of Bajaj Allianz and Aviva Life (ref The Economic Times dt. 17th Aug 07)
If you need more info about ULIP pls write to me at
Thanks and regards,