When I was looking for two wheeler. I first thought about economic then performance since if performance is good it will be economical. So I searched market and then select pulsar and tvs-victor. Since both are new at that time, I also have a passion for power. Both have good repo in mkt. But since I hearda about bajaj name from my child hood and it also has power so I select bajaj pulsar.
I like to drive on it. I touched 100 but at that limit its diffficult to control for me. But 80 is comfortable fo rme. In city I used to ride at 50 and above but on empty road I do 60 or little above. Since I also want avg so I do so. But whenever I am in mood of enjoying riding I go slow as 35-40 and also when road is empty or on highwy to my office I generally drivon 60 in delhi to gurgaon. So it fullfiled my deasire for motorcylce, a power bike, my own vehicle ( achild hood dream), good avg.
But it has some problem in 1st and fourth gear, some time I got stuck in between first and neutral. It is neither neutral nor first. But it behaves neutral. Same problem occur when I move from1 to 2nd. And when I came back from 5 to 4.
Rest its parts are cheap but if you buy them from show room they at much higher price then they should be. No doubt on local showp u get duplicate parts and no guranty but in todays life and in delhi wht is the life of a vehicle. And if u go to a goot mechanic u will get ood parts too and much cheaper rates.
So like to sugggest all reader when they buy something for their bike just get a look of local brand and its price also check it fromother if they are using it.
Thank you and enjoy your vehicle whether it is 2 wheeler or 4 wheeler. They are made for us. We are not made for them(see ur prefrences and options before bying). So take a happy ride.