My Dad broght this heavy weight champion to my home .The Only thing which troubled me was its heavy weight when I ever used this iron in my home I used to get tired...but it has good grip which keep my hand away from heat and hard cores of bakelites which usually create pain in normal irons and in normal irons their grip gets heated buts not in case of this bajaj iron could have been been better if the grip had some soft kind of material offcourse insulator to heat ..
but at the price we get it is really a steal backed by bajaj warranty and service (ISI mark :made par Indian Standards Institute)...another good point is that it gets heated fast and due to its heavy wight (iron bottom part) its cools slowly hence power saving ..isnt it. First I used to think that its heavy weight is just a junk but no its has its own advantages like you dont have to press hard to remove rinkles and ofcourse cooling time is less compared to light irons ie once its hot you can use it for longer time without keeping the power on and hence its gotta be a good power saver product another Plus Point.