Bracing itself to life beyond Honda, the worlds largest two-wheeler manufacturer, Hero Honda, has started developing its own research and development(R&D) wing in right earnest by snaring key personnel from rivals Bajaj Auto and TVS. Hero recently appointed long-term Bajaj veteran T M Bala raman at a senior level in its R&D division.
Balaraman had retired from Bajaj 2-3 years back but the company had kept him on the rolls as a part timer in an advisory role. Hero Honda is also trying to get hold of several R&D personnel from Bajaj and TVS across the hierarchy.
The firm does not have a full fledged R&D capabilities like Bajaj and TVS and has been merely involved in increasing localisation of mobikes through component sourcing, making finished products out of the designs prepared by Honda Motor or minor tweaking and refreshing existing products.
"It is not that we have no experience in R&D at all as we have been converting Hondas designs into full fledged motorcycles, " said Ravi Sud, chief finance officer, HHML. "We know how to make mobikes, but do not have design capabilities. We will develop that as well."
So far, Bajaj and TVS are not too worried with the new found poaching instincts in their arch rival. "I cant comment on the buzz doing the rounds, but if they want to hire 63 year olds from us, we will provide a list, " said a senior Bajaj Auto official.
Hero Honda is also investing towards creating a new brand identity for itself for which it has hired international brand specialist Wolff Olins.
The above is the newspaper report(Hindustan Times 17th March2011), related to another company that is HERO HONDA. But what hurts me as an employees SON(of Bajaj) is the irresponsible and arrogant statement our own Bajaj official has made about a senior officer of our own company.
Companies/Brands are built by people and not just by few people sitting in AC rooms. A product is made by employees and not top management who enjoy all luxuries.
A statement like that means old people are fools? Then why Indias biggest two wheeler company is recuiting him. Is this the way a long serving official be treated . The person is respectful T.M. Balaraman, who piloted many projects from front and succeded, This general manager has contributed a lot to Bajaj.
Bajajs imature gesture to such a tall personality shows how much respect it has for common employees who toil hard in the factory like my father.
Bajaj employees hate Rajeev Bajaj since day one, he is the man who closed down Akrudi plant. The official statement given by company in court wasfalling sales where as the real reason was nothing but greed. The idea was to sell the land to KAWASAKI for undisclosed HIGH amount, but with intervention of Sharad Pawar and Maharashtra govt., the attempt was thwarted. Rahul Bajaj is in Rajya Sabha for what? what is his competency as politician? What are the benefits of becoming RS memeber? How much Bajaj company money did he use to become RS MP?
Bajaj products are not best in quality due tohigh margin mantra followed by top management. I myself have bought a Hero Honda NXG bike which happens to be my first bike. Its bad on my part that I didnt buy bikes built by my own father.I blame Rajeev Bajajs greed for profits, many of his media briefs are lies, many times Bajaj inflates sales number, many statements made by Bajaj officials are only to confuse competition,
Bajaj said it will launch LPG bike in 2006, it never launched
Bajaj said it will release Direct Injection TWO Stroke bike in 2007, it never launched
I strongly recommend,
Not to join this company
Not to buy any Bajaj prodcut as well
My father has few more years of service, I hope my father is not treated badly. My father is working hard in factory, but this company is only after GREED and PROFITS. I feel sad for my dad as he belong to un-reputed company though he is toiling hard for our familys survival. Blame it on CEOs greed & his management style.
I Hope T M Balaraman(Ex.General Manager, Bajaj Auto) sues Bajaj for its irresponsible and arrogant statement and penalize Bajaj.
Well wisher