I would like to keep my review to the point and short. I used to have a Royal Enfield Thunderbird which I had to sell off after an accident. So, I was looking for a bike which would be powerful, reliable, and would have road presence within a budget of around 90k! I zeroed in on the avenger as I did not have the money to go for another Enfield. Pulsars are too common.. Anyway, getting to the point- looks are really awesome and its sure to get you stares on the road! But thats where the pros start and end!!
Thats it-it is just good looking and nothing more! It feels stressed even at a speed of 60+ or at least that is what the engine sound suggests. Its a cruiser for gods sake-wheres the torque?? Feel a bit free with your right wrist, above 40kmph or so and the mileage drastically drops from around 40km/l to 32!!! I used to consistently get 40+ mileage from a 350 cc mill! Worse part the braking and control of the bike-dont get fooled by the massive rear tire coz the bike skids hopelessly, that is the front wheel-brake hard, and before you know it you will lying with your beloved bike. Even if the the other aspects can be overlooked, I dont think safety should be compromised with! Under hard or sudden braking, the front wheels are bound to lock up even if you are doing a 30-40 kmph( a lose soil, gravel, or wee bit wet surface). Ive done my bit about warning you, now its your life, your decision to take..
This review was not meant to hurt any ones sentiment regarding the bike, but just to warn people so that they dont make the same mistake I made-safety comes first I guess! CHEERS n RIDE SAFE :)