The few things that come to everyones mind while even thiking of buying a two wheeler or a bike in particular are speed, price, fuel economy, comfort(both physical and control) and looks(for the modern youth because that would determine his social status among his friends). Let me tell you all these features in connection to my Darling..The new Avenger 220(got it on 02 oct, 2010). Friends I am very sorry for writing a review so late. I got my avy @ Rs 87, 000/- on road which I bought it from Jorhat, Assam after thoroughly inspecting all the bikes on the basis of the above features mentioned above.Please look at the price friends. I dont know why the price differs so much from city to city(as on of my co reviewers has already said"bloody politicians").After a long research study of the bikes of different brands I came up with three of my most loved bikes, the Hero Honda Splendour(one on which I learnt to ride a bike and liked it since then), Baja Avenger and Yamaha FZ or Fazer. Ultimately I went for the lion of the three the new avenger 220.let me discuss in detail...
First Speed
I myself was not so much worried about spped initially but there was always a hardcore biker in me which alwys urged me to pursue the thrill of speed.Friends let me tell you one fact that I have observed now-a days in the youth and it also happened in front of my own eyes.todays youth take biking as the other name for testify this fact....on the day when I went to the showroom to buy my avy, the new pulsar 220cc and my avy 220cc (both having every inch of specification the same except for engine power and speed). A youth came in and opted to go for the P220 even at the cost of lower power only becoz it had 5 to 10 kmph more than avy. dear friends never take biking as a race always take it as a passion as I do, for one who is obsessed with speed is called a racer or a rider and not a biker. A true biker is one who is passionate about style and NOT speed.
Avenger 220 great speeds but I have not yet rode mine at such speeds....the highest speed on mine is 110kmph and believe me guys when I say that even at that speed the bike did not have the least vibration....
Second== Price and Fuel economy:==
the price varies from place to place friends so I dont wish to comment on it. Friends , some of you might argue within yourself regarding the fuel economy (42-45kmpl on highways and 39-41 kmpl on city), but please also take into consideration the immense power that bike provides by being so heavier(157kg) for I would again say that for a biker it is the power that matters. It gives a power of 21.5 bhp
Third comfort and looks:
Guys let me first comment you on the looks first....I can assure you that once you go out on the road on the avy there would not be a single person would not give a second look to you and your bikes(also including the ones whose mouths remain gazed open in awe and envy).Avy being a apparent derivative of the harley davidsons..everyone get mesmerized by the looks...
Comfort? The riding seat is the most comfortable that you can get on a bike....although there are issues about the narrowness of the pillion seat but for a slim girlfriend it would be the most perfect bike for a long ride......
I may also mention that one of the reviews that I had gone through said that in traffic its hard to control the avy...thats all BULLSHIT!! if are a biker good enough as me its no problem at all unless you want to scrape your way out through gaps in traffic jams. Another review wrote that the indicator panel on the fuel tank distracts the riders attention. I dont know why these type of principle-freaks go to buy a bike as Avenger? I suggest they should rather prefer a scooter where they would not get distraction at all. Friend the Indicator panel on the fuel tank is an added style to the already sexy look of the avenger....
I want to mention that it was strange a bit though when I saw the position of the ignition key-hole and the handle-lock hole. Also the absence of the kick was also a bit of surprise to me but it creates no problem. I hope bajaj rectifies these or comes up with a modification if it launches a higher version of the avy...
The Avenger is by all means the most perfect cruiser for Indian Roads both by looks and by the comfort it offers.
Friends, I would urge all you BIKERS out there to go for an Avenger than going for one with high speed that thrills you. Try getting passionate about biking and not racing.And with the New Avenger you do make a statement on the road....