Thought of writing the review for two reasons 1)after I read whats other fellow avengers have written and 2)my simple love for this bike.
well to start of my story back in 2008 when I wanted to get a bike as the rickshaw were very pricey I had one option that was an enfield but it was too expensive. avenger was not on my list quite frankly and I happened to book one in a quick spur of a moment. Like a few imagine my surprise when the bike was being delivered to me the starter did not engage and to my horror I realised there is no kick only electric start.
The mechanics changed the battery which was at fault and gave me the bike. I have been riding the bike for almost 6 yrs now and other than normal servicing 3 to 4 times a year I have had no problems with the bike at all. no starting problem no engine problem no nothing. So much so I can proudly say that my avenger did influence other two friends of mine to get avenger too!
it consistently gives you 35 -45 kmpl the rear brakes is a constant upkeep you have to change that often or adjust in bout 3 yrs change the battery for no starting problems and enjoy the ride.
its awesome for long rides maintains grip the only problem is for the pillon riders on long rides the bottom really hurts.
there is a one off shot of getting a defective bike which can be rectified nevertheless.
if u r considering a cruiser affordable for long rides I would say buy it without a second thought. just service it regularly
happy riding