This is 2nd review for booked bike Avenger 220, Pune. I havent yet received the bike thanks to the delay caused by pro-biking customer desk ... :(
The staff at ProBiking center was helpful at time of booking bike but they do not check if ur Cheque is cleared or not after booking. And remember, you get bike only after ur cheque gets cleared. I had to remind them by calling at their number and inform that the money is transferred to their account. I was surprised they did not notice for two days that my Cheque was cleared until I called them.
So take care, if you dont call them, forget your paid amount and bike till u yourself remember to call them for reminder !!!
Bajaj needs to improve on this as this washes out the excellent impression they created when I first visited their center.
I have had Honda for myself and my brother. Never had such an experience with them.
Will keep posting...