*Negatives in Bajaj
Avenger 200 DTS-I *
Hi I own this bike; I have done 1200kms in this bike. I have
taken it for a long drive of 140kms.
Surely it’s
the most comfortable bike for the rider and the **worst comfortable bike for
pillion rider.*
Gear Slipping:
You may
argue with me that it has been resolved in this 200cc version but I bet you its
not. When you **shift from 3rd
to 2nd it directly goes to first gear**. This doesn’t happen
always but it will surely happen if you are driving it in heavy traffic.
shifting up the gears are smooth, sometimes it feels **hard only on 4th
to 5th** especially when you are trying to overtake some vehicle.
down is quite hard and finding neutral is also quite difficult**, but for me it
doesn’t matter because I already own Yamaha RX135 which has the same gear
pattern but its very smooth and you don’t have to struggle finding neutral.
neutral**, another problem which will have the neutral light glowing but actually
it can be in first gear. Usually this problem will be faced by people who try
to bring the vehicle to neutral in traffic signals.
I must
admit that this bike is giving me more than what I expected, **around 42KMPL
approx** with premium quality petrol.
*Power or Throttle
This bike
with the capacity of 200cc can surely bring out better power and the response
must be crisp. But its not the case in this, I don’t find any difference
between 180 cc and 200cc. Of course cruiser bike is expected to have low torque
but the response shouldn’t be this low, I have driven Eliminator which can
challenge anything on open road never mind ZMA or CBZ, but with this I don’t
think so.
Pulling is very poor(you can feel the engine struggling), If
you want to verify this load your bike with 140kgs(2 person) and drive it you
will feel like driving some 100cc splendor.
Cruisers are meant to be smooth and
Bajaj have tried some methods of mounting it on rubber bushes and have made a
exact copy of Eliminator but have failed to provide the quality. Engine is
roaring(kerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) surely you wont be pleased with the engine
Bajaj has found that market is sure
for Cruisers with the 180 cc version of avenger. If they are really quality
oriented they should have come up with a better engine rather than tweaking the
pulsar engine.
This is the biggest problem I find
in any pulsar or avenger 200cc, the engine knocks( tock tock or tang tang tang), when I asked the service
engineer(actually a mechanic) about that he told that it will be ok after
3000kms. HOW? I don’t know the logic behind.
morning I have some starting problem
Value for Money:
In Chennai on road price comes
around 69750 but do you think its worth yes it is worth if you are able to adjust with all the
problems I have mentioned above. Above all you own a cruiser bike which is
similar to having a chariot of pride. For me I like this bike not only because
I own it, but for the great looks. I must appreciate bajaj for making a brave
decision( launching cruiser bike) but provide us with some quality in there,
we are ready to give in Lakhs if you are coming up with real cruisers, Cruiser lovers never worries about mileage.
All they look in for is the reliability, stability, and performance with silky
smooth(not kerrrrrrrrrrrr or isssssssssshhhhhhh).
I would recommend this for all if
you are not a novice biker, You have to find specialist mechanic(pulsar
mechanic don’t have experience in tuning avenger, they don’t know what this
bike is meant for), in service centers its hard, but for warranty sake you must
go there.
Overall Rating
Reliability :
60/100( If the product works according to spec for the specified period of
time then its reliable, In case of gears it shows that it doesn’t work like
Quality :
50/100(Cannot be considered poorly finished parts, looks grt from long shot,
when some one comes near and takes a closer look huh )
Performance :
55/100(Compared to Eliminator its very poor)
Fuel efficiency :
80/100(42kmpl is grt yar)
*Looks and Style :
85/100**(The only reason I bought this)
*Handling :
60/100**(quite stable under 60 but in slopes it wobbles)
*Technology Used :
Recommendation for the product: 65/100(Think twice before
you pay the money, pro biking takes care only till the sale, after that you
will have the same treatment given for chetak scooter owner)