Hi Guys,
I have to admit that I first fell in love with this bike too fast, (Love at first sight). I would be one among the early customers for Bajaj Avenger, purchased by Nov 2005. Following are the point I have to tell about so called Avenger
I really liked the looks of the bike.
It started of good with the mileage, but after the 4th service where they have mixed a oil called "Bardal special injector klene" spoiled the mileage or they have tuned the carburetor badly.
I find the bike powerful, I weigh 58kgs now (I know what you may think about my weight : bike weight ratio, well that’s fine with me). However it shows very poor torque with single person of 100Kg. one interesting point that I have to mention is that the bike makes a weird noise, rather knocking at certain speed while I am the only person on the bike, Is the bike struggling to pull me?
Bike is wonderful on smooth roads at speed 70 - 80 Kmph. But the bike promises to break your back on ideal Indian road, I mean bad roads. Very poor shocks. (Work around) Make sure that you take something (a nonliving thing) on rear seat, that can help you, probably.
Good head light.
Good driver seat, bad rear seat.
No easy switch to kill the engine however it’s fixed on the bike which is for sale now. I claimed for the switch at the service station, they told that cannot be done as it requires several changes in the wiring, I accept but it’s a lame excuse. It’s bad to be an early customer. I am still burning my fingers in the traffic trying to switch off and on the bike.
The bike skids while breaking , I have tried several times to apply sudden break hardly happens and if it happens you cannot control as the rear moves the side ways , I am talking about braking on a straight line .Poor Breaking . May be the length of the bike is reponsible for this or wheel alignment!!!!!.
Poor rear view mirror, How am I supposed to adjust it. Thats sick.
I could not believe such an amateur design, Bajaj would come up with the chrome on the petrol tank which pokes your eyes affecting your vicinity in midday light. That should probably be more inclined.
I still love my bike as it has saved me though I fell down.
I think it’s bad to go for a cheap cruiser.
I still love “Ma Bike”