Bought the bike, whcih was my dream bike, 1 month back. Rode this bike first time in goa 2 year back and couldnt resist my hands of it . But now after buying it. Have a serious issue..i am not sure if i am the only guy complaining of a cruiser for comfort levels, but I cant help. My back aches even after a short ride of 10 to 15 kms. And if continues ride of more than 20km. I am off lying on my bed in pain. I have tried changing my seating posture a little, with a straight back and all, but it didnt help. I am normally cool with bikes. Have driven passion plus and unicorn with no issues for long times. Anybody else who is 6 feet tall, having same issues. And first of the height really a factor for avenger? With the help of one of nelabh, one of my friend from mouth shut. Have checked some things out.
1)tyre pressure -- front 28, back 25
2) shock absorbers - initially they were hard, and i felt like was hit up by some hammer from below, there froe changed it, but now it sems to be soft, need to make it normal
3) handle position--- initially it was changed by the delivery guy to adjust the mirror a little but later on I got a doubt and asked the technician to set it to default.
Still find a moov spray as my friends say now is necessary where ever i go. Is it that this bike doesnt suit my body structure.You can check some of my photos too. Would be great if someone would help as i cant help to see my dream bike become a pain on my back. Please do give some feedback with your experiences!!