I have an Avenger 2003 model secondhand one. I had a trouble with handling at lower speeds initially. But at higher speeds it is too stable. The matters I have noticed about the bike are.
The main prob with most of the people having the bullet is its maintenance. Comparing to that Avenger is far ahead of that. But the main prob is that the silencer has a better chance to start rusting.
The ride quality is too good with great comfort for the rider but for the one at the back it is really tough job. The rear seat lacks comfort.The speed can be up to 120 or even more but it shows less shivering.
As the rate of acceleration increases it affects the milage as well. the optimum speed is 55-60 at fifth gear.55 is best. It is really good for long rides. but a 200cc engine is better n oil cooling is must. Because it produces much heat.
The breaking is also good. more precise compared to any other bajaj bikes.Especially the rear brakes. the front disc brake serves the purpose as well as the rear.
One more thing is the safety. Even at the worst conditions we may feel a chance of skidding but the low height wont allow as we fears.
I think my avenger got an additional feature. Its fuel efficiency. I dont know how this is happening but it is true It is giving me a milage of 57-60 on optimum speeds. the worst I got is 35 when I travelled at a speed of about 80-100 with two of us.
The head light provides an extreme fine visibility at night. But I didnt like the sound of the horn.