Bajaj avenger street 220 will be best suited with words lyk Comfort , Power n Style . this bike will resemble a lot lyk harley davidson 750 street , And the power delivery of this bike is fairly decent , it is not meant to be ultra fast or brutal lyk KTMs or Yamaha becoz this one is a street cruiser the feeling of riding this on straight roads or heavy traffic will always give u terrific feel of comfort.
Bike carries same engine as Pulsar 220 F n thus it behave lyk tht a lot , pick up power delivery everything seems to be decent for a price it comes , the street 150 version made no sense to me becoz there is a mere difference in the price range and one should always prefer performance then mileage , handling is also great n performs well in every area , fuel efficiency is average n as expected, n when it come to services I m prety much dissatisfied with bajaj they do not give proper after sale service or attention to its customers atleast in my city , other then this bike is worth a try , I m happy with it : )