What to say about this rickety thing named a bike? This bike is all but crap. This thing wil be in a scrapyard before you know what this thing is capable of. Claimed to provide high fuel efficiency, this bike is like any other small vehicles - Puch, Explorers...
The price says it all. First the Bajaj guys started to seel it a proper price but it didnt sell. So they claimed to have improved n all bull n re-released it. Wow ! With all those ads n posters throughout cities, I thought it would be a good one but then I heard it history n voosh.. down it goes. It is just for guys who are bored of riding bikes ( definitely not me !). They ride this crap around a while ( say a few months) then change over to another vehicle.
It is not at all sturdy. All those probs surface right from the start. No rap on this bike ( how could you buy this then ?) Go with a pillion rider n next thing you see is clutch down n out OR gear probs etc.
For those lucky ppl who havent gone in for this rickety thing STAY AWAY FROM IT !!!