Hoodibaba ! Hoodibaba ! Hoodibaba Hoo !These were the words which I heard along with an unclear picture of a man riding a bike during the climax period of the world cup.The only facts revealed at that time were =>9.5 bhp, 100 km/hr, 90km/l.
As the match progressed, I became more interested in the strange bike.Finally, Caliber 115 was unveiled after some hours of mytery advertisement.
I went to the Commercial Motors Limited, (a Bajaj Auto showroom)to have a look at this bike.As I entered the building, two proud owners of this very same bike came into my sight.The sales of the bike picked up very quickly in Lucknow.
Lets see the characteristics of the bike in detail:-
1.Designing-The front laiden optoprism halogen headlamp
provides generation next styling as well
ensures safe night riding.Bajajs have also
provided an anti slide seat for comfortable
riding.Wide zapper tyres provide better road
grip and control.A stylish back rest also
provides sporty looks to the bike.The bulbous
tank provides enough space for fuel put in(14
litres).Sticker works have been well done and
add to charisma of the bike.
2.Engine----The 111.6 cc K-TEC engine fits well with other
features of this bike, giving it a power of 9.5
bhp@8000 rpm which is more than adequate for
a bike of this category(probably the most
powerfull).Transimission is 4-speed.
3.Performance-The 9.5 bhp power which the bike generates
enables it to attain a maximum speed of
100km/hr.The bike is fine in terms of
performance as it reaches 0-60 in 9 seconds.
Quite good here too!
4.Handling--Road handling is perfect with no jerks or
vibrations.The reason being a 5 point rubber
mounted on the engine which ensures zero
vibrations and noises.The bike is also easy to
balance due to its weight(118 kgs) and
maintains good posture while riding.
Efficiency-Probably the best part of this new Caliber.
Although the bike develops decent enough power
still it manages 60-70km/l in the city runs
and a bit more than that on the highways.In
fact one of my friend claims he gets 80-85 on
his Caliber when he runs on the highways to
his home.And with the 14 litre petrol tank,
the bike has a range of 950 kilometers before,
refills.Unbelievable!isnt it?
6.Overall=>Lets figure out how the bike has been rated.
Looks like the new Caliber 115 has been rated as 5-starer all the way.And thats what I wished to explain.If you want to buy a bike from the economy segment, then this is the bike which you should look at.Victor, Splendor, Passion, CD100, Libero no matter, all are good bikes, but none is more powerful, more fuel efficient, more handy, more stylish than this one.
The best bike in the executive segment, up to date.Simply, the best.