Selecting a right fan out of many good ones is a challenging task. Six months ago, one of the fans in our house stopped working so we replaced it with a new one.
At that time we had chosen Crompton Hs. For a month it worked very well but then it started making some kind of noise.
The same thing happened with another Crompton fan, too. So, this time I have followed the advised of the elecrician and bought a Bajaj Speedster. It was not a bad deal at all.
If we compare Bajaj Speedster with Crompton HS, Bajaj is bigger and better. Though it consumes little more electricity, it gives more breeze.
As I am not aware of many technical aspects, I can say that its good choice at the end. And one more thing, it doesnt make sound like the Crompton fans. I have been using it for a month and I have no compain at all. Happy buyer, you can say!At the end I recommend the product. Crompton is good but Bajaj is better.