This Mixer Grinder the best item by Bajaj Electricals pvt ltd which is very much trusted organization and its items are great quality and solid. I obtained it a year ago in Rs 2900 with five years guarantee which has 750 watts limit. This is a decent brand. Its administration is decent and simple to handle it. Regularly we use to pound rice daal for idli dossa, chutani, crushing of masala and different things. Its engine is exceptionally solid and runs it easily without giving more stable or additional clamor.
It has three lovely stainless steel jugs with top, these are huge, medium and little size.Its white shading body is extremely solid and gives great sparkling. It has three velocity control with incher office. It has multipurpose cutting edge framework for blending of fluids foodie items.It has the defender to control the over-burden of engine. So it is a decent quality item which extremely tough and moderate by the regular individuals. It is anything but difficult to clean and will give great look like new one subsequent to cleaning.
So generally the item is useful for the kitchen hosehold. I propose to buy and make great utilization of it.